
Family walk in the Paskamansett woods

 It finally happened - a trail walk with a dog, all together, like a family. 

If you know me, you know that I own a barking dog. Moreover, he uses his barking talent mainly in the car.

Therefore, we, or rather I, take him in the car only if absolutely necessary - to the vet or to a shelter. And yes, sometimes I take him for a ride with me.

We planned a family walk to the forest on January 1st. The trip did not happen. Daniel couldn't stand Crackle's barking, especially in the enclosed space of the car. It's really loud.

What happened on Sunday? Or rather, how did it happen?

Two calm down dog treat-pills, my patience of a saint  and two different cars. And voila! The three of us are in the forest, well, not counting the rest of the walkers.

The pills didn't help. Maybe they should have been fed to the dog earlier, maybe more of them...

even making a stop in the park and a short walk didn't help. It took us a while to find the right place where we wanted to walk. 

There are many different hiking places and trails in our area. There used to be farms there... Now it's probably not profitable to keep farms.

Some wooded areas of land have become part of the Dartmouth Natural Resources Trust.

The park, where we went on Sunday, is called Paskamansett woods.

The vast majority of the trails are on private land and are open to the public only thanks to the generosity of the owners.

I didn't take any photos, though I took a short video of Crackle for his Instagram. 

We walked for about an hour or so.

Do you think the dog barked on the way home?

He didn't bark, just whined.

Crackle had an attack of barking already near our house gate - he saw a man with a dog across the street. As you understand, the man meant nothing to him, the main irritant was the dog.

God, help me to survive my dog.

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