
Khvorost, recipe

 Journaling 5*

It is getting colder but somehow it doesn’t bother me. 

Russians say there is no bad weather but lack of right clothes*.


On my lunch break I watch videos of making simple crunchy cookies Khvorost. 

I made them numerous times in Russia for kids. 

Here, when I need to bring something to a family party, I like to introduce the Russian dishes. 

Quite often it can be a dessert. One day I found out that Daniel's brother-in-law loves Khvorost! He called it “crust” or “frost” ….I don’t remember. In Russia, we call these cookies Khvorost** (“Brushwood”). But anyway, he said that his grandmother baked just such cookies. LOL. I am not a Polish grandma but I am familiar with these cookies.

Unfortunately, I lost my Russian recipe. So I had to look for a new one, preferably simple and tasty. After a few tries I found the perfect one.

Here is a YouTube video of the recipe I used. It is in Russian, but even by watching I believe you can  understand. 


In a mixing bowl blend together 1 egg, 1 tablespoon water, 1 tablespoon vodka, and a little salt and the same amount of sugar. Add flour (about 140 grams). Mix the dough until it is well incorporated and the dough is firm but easy to handle. 

Cover with plastic and put into a fridge for about an hour or less. Divide the dough into 2 pieces. Place one, not in use, in the bowl and cover with plastic, so that the dough doesn’t dry. 

Roll out the second piece of dough as thin as you can. 

Using a pizza cutter or a knight cut the dough in stripes. Cut a small strip into the center of each strip and fold the dough in on itself. Actually you can make any preferable shapes. Prepare all the strips before frying. 

In a large pan, heat half an inch of vegetable oil over medium/high heat. Fry cookies until golden brown and set over paper towels. 

In the end, top the cookies with powdered sugar. 

* I still promise very soon I will explain what it means. 

**Scandinavian countries have similar expressions.

***If you follow the link I am posting below you can read a little of the history of the cookies and its name.

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