
Heard in the library

 When I made it to work today, I really wanted to swear. Swear and complain to someone. 

However, I didn't want to worry my husband and didn’t feel like going on social media.

I don’t want to become a constant whiner. I just needed to vent.

I briefly told a colleague my driving adventure and changed the conversation to the Carnegie book I read last night. 

In the book I stopped at the quote “think and act cheerfully and you will feel cheerful”.

Very soon I became busy and forgot about  what happened in the morning.

And in the afternoon, I heard a phrase that made my day..

But you need to know the whole story:

A young man was  coming in and out of the library. He smelled of alcohol and wet clothes (rain is finally here). He didn't do anything wrong, he didn't say anything nasty, just was annoying, asking personal questions. It would be better if he just went home.

- Do you speak another language? - He asked me.

- No, - I refused to talk.

After 3 hours, I really wanted him to go home.

But he actually managed to "make my day":

Quota from him:

- Every time I get out of prison, I come to the library…

🤣 🤣 🤣

It was 2 and a half hours before I called it for a day. I was cheerful all these 2 and a half hours. 

At home, I shared this quote with my husband. We laughed together.

I didn’t spoil our evening by complaining about the morning drive.

But I will vent here, LOL.


The story is that my way to work looked like running in a circle. I just couldn't get onto Highway 18. All streets leading to Highway 18 were closed, and the open ones were in the opposite direction. 

After the 3rd attempt, I gave up on the 18th and drove to work across the city.

I wasn't late, but it took me a lot more time and nerves. 

My question: who and how coordinates the people who do roadworks in the city? They definitely don’t coordinate with each other.

Really annoying!!!

Is this the case everywhere? Or only in small cities?


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