
Not Forgotten Superstitions

 I was about ready to forget my Russian superstitions. But my husband likes me being myself.

On the weekend, we cut the fallen (blooming, but beginning to fall down due to lack of support)  gladiolus to bring home. All are pink. Who knows what happened to our gladiolus all of them are pink now.

In Russia, people make bouquets of flowers only in odd numbers. 

Even numbers of flowers are used for the cemeteries and funerals. 

I mentioned this to my husband. But, honestly, I was ready for even numbers. I was ready, and he wasn't, he pointed to exactly 3 of them. 

Daniel makes a good laugh at my omens and beliefs, but still respects them.

However, it seems I am losing my Russian soul. 

Another superstition: don’t sew just before leaving the house. 

My opinion is it all depends on what you are sewing. 

For example, sewing a hole in the dress you were going to leave the house in is a bad omen. But a friend of mine believes that any sewing (before leaving home) is not good. 


Last fall I worked on a bathroom rug project. It required a lot of work: cut old jeans (or jeans-like pants) into small pieces and sew them in a certain pattern. I don’t remember how long it took me. But almost every morning before leaving for work, I spent 30 min on sewing. In the morning, in the evening, on a day off, until it was done. 

While working on this rug, I didn't even think about the superstition. 

I just wanted to finish it.

It’s interesting to notice small (are they really small?) changes in myself. The way my mind changes focus.

The main thing is not to start imposing my opinion on others, but go my own way, change over time (if necessary). In Russia, we used to say "keep up with the times".

I truly believe some of these omens will stay with me forever, hopefully only positive ones. 

Let’s see what happens next. 

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